Why Bamboo?

  • Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet

    Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth. Some species of bamboo can grow more than 1 meter per day, which is about 4 cm per hour.

    That means that a bamboo forest can grow to maturity after planting in as little as seven years. Compare this to the three to five decades required for hardwood forests.

    By replacing forested areas faster, bamboo reduces deforestation, which is one of the things that makes bamboo a sustainable building material.

  • Increased Oxygen Production

    The density of bamboo forests and the plant’s unique design allows these grasses, compared to trees, to produce 35% more oxygen on average.

  • Multiple Growing Regions

    Though more often associated with Asia, bamboo adapts well to a wide range of habitats. Hot tropical regions may be the stereotypical climate for bamboo, but these plants also make their homes on frigid mountaintops.

    Though certain climates may not see equally rapid growth as in the plant’s native regions, it can still offer nearly effortless cultivation.

  • Bamboo is a highly effective carbon sink

    Bamboo plants absorbs enormous amounts of greenhouse gases, and because of its rapid growth, bamboo is very useful as a tool for carbon sequestration.

    When a single bamboo seedling is planted it will convert into a clump. In case of giant tropical bamboo, one newly planted bamboo plant can sequester 2 tons of carbon dioxide in just 7 years.

    In comparison, a typical hardwood tree will sequester 1 ton of carbon dioxide in 40 years. When compared to pine, bamboo can absorb up to 5 times more CO2.

  • Grows Without Assistance

    It requires minimal effort to get bamboo to grow quickly and densely. Since the roots hold water in the soil and prevent erosion, bamboo needs less water and soil replenishments to grow.

    Without the need for poisonous pesticides or harmful herbicides as well, bamboo growing has a reduced effect on the environment compared to other plants that rely heavily on additives.

So now we know all about the wonderful properties of bamboo, what does this mean when it comes to bamboo socks?

  • Bamboo is super soft

    In comparison to mainstream materials such as cotton, bamboo is both smoother and softer, making for a more all-round comfortable fit and luxurious feel.

  • Moisture Absorption

    Bamboo is highly water absorbent, able to take up three times its weight in water. In bamboo fabric, this translates to an excellent wicking ability that will pull moisture away from the skin so that it can evaporate, keeping your feet fresh and dry.

  • Thermo-Regulating

    Bamboo fibres are thermo-regulating. Essentially, they act to maintain a regular temperature. The socks will breath in the summer to keep your feet cool and maintain a degree of heat in the winter so you stay warm.

  • They Are Non-Allergenic

    People who have any sort of skin allergy or irritation won't be bothered by bamboo socks. Its non-allergenic properties will come as great relief to those who have lived their lives dealing with socks that only serve to irritate them.

  • Bamboo is clean

    Studies have shown that fabrics made from viscose have more antibacterial properties than those made from cotton or polyester. This means that if you choose to use bamboo socks made from these fabrics, they will remain clean and free of fungus and bacteria.